

Cholesterol is a waxy fat that is present in all human beings. About 80 percent of the cholesterol in the body is manufactured by the liver. The rest is consumed through cholesterol-rich foods such as meat, eggs and dairy products.
Cholesterol itself is vital for survival. However, it can also contribute to coronary artery disease. To understand how cholesterol is related to heart disease, it is necessary to understand how it is transported through the body. Cholesterol is carried in the bloodstream in specialized protein packages called lipoproteins. These are comprised of another building block called apolipoproteins.
ultimately determines what will happen to the cholesterol it carries. In some cases, excess cholesterol will be transported to the liver, where it is metabolized harmlessly. In other cases, excess cholesterol will penetrate the walls of arteries throughout the body, contributing to a disease called atherosclerosis.
Although there are many subclasses of lipoproteins, researchers generally focus on the following five types:
High-density lipoproteins (HDL), which transport cholesterol away from arteries and are protective.
Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), which can penetrate the arterial wall and deposit cholesterol within the artery, thus contributing to heart disease.
Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), which are similar to LDLs, but can more easily penetrate the artery wall.
Intermediate-density lipoproteins. Like VLDLs, these also carry triglycerides and cholesterol.
Chylomicrons, which carry only a small percentage of cholesterol. Chylomicrons are mostly rich in another type of fat called triglycerides.
Many studies have shown that high levels of LDLs, IDLs and VLDLs are associated with increased risk of heart attack because these lipoproteins actually harm arteries. Conversely, higher levels of HDLs protect against heart attack because these lipoproteins remove potentially dangerous cholesterol from the blood stream. Thus, modern cholesterol management tends to focus on reducing LDLs while increasing HDLs. The National Cholesterol Education Program classifies cholesterol levels as follows (all measurements are in milligrams per deciliter):
Total cholesterol levels less than 200 are desirable.
Total cholesterol levels between 200 and 239 are borderline-high.
Total cholesterol levels that are 240 or higher are high.
HDL levels of less than 40 for men and 50 for women are considered low, and levels of 60 or more are considered protective against heart disease.
HDL levels should be 40 or above (the American College of Cardiology recommends levels of 45 or above for women).
LDL levels should optimally be less than 100 (levels greater than 129 are considered borderline-high, and levels greater than 159 are considered high). Among some patients, physicians might aim for an even lower LDL target of 70.
Regular cholesterol screenings are important. The NCEP recommends that males and females 20 years of age and older have a cholesterol test every five years. Regular cholesterol screenings are particularly important for people who have risk factors such as diabetes, obesity or a family history of cardiovascular disease. Such higher-risk individuals, and people over age 65, may be screened more frequently.
In the event of high cholesterol or triglyceride levels, physicians may recommend lifestyle modifications along with cholesterol-lowering medications.
Ion Cleanse Article

IonCleanse Enhancement System

1.Imagine a list of chemicals and toxins that have been introduced in the past hundred years. We are literally inundated. When we step out in the city we are ingesting heavy metals from exhaust. When we eat processed foods we are ingesting preservative, dyes and hydrogenated oils. Fresh fruits and veg-etables have been treated with pesticides. Meats and dairy -- saturated with hormones and antibiotics. Chemicals invade our homes in the guise of household cleaners, anti-bacterial soaps and air fresheners. The carpet,furniture, draperies and upholstery in our cars are often treated. Medications and supple-ments are filled with inert ingredients. We can not escape the constant barrage of chemicals in the modern world. Our bodies absorb them and bog down, clogging our natural filtration systems. Think of a fish tank filter. What does it look like after a month? Now imagine what your liver or kidneys look like.2.The IonCleanse(R) Enhancement System helps us make adaptations to the inundation of chemicals in our environment by aiding in the detoxification process. Bob Moroney explains, "The machine sends a small direct current into the array. The different metals in the array along with the water and salt generate positively and negatively charged ions by separating the water into oxygen and hydrogen. An ion is a charged atom that has gained or lost an electron, and creates a magnetic field capable of neutralizing oppositely charged particles. This creates an osmotic field that neutralizes and pulls toxins out of the body through the skin in the process of osmosis. Positive polarity creates a negative ion flow, which, we believe, raises blood Ph from acidic toward alkaline."3.You can discern what part of the body the debris is coming from by the color changes. The water will change color even if there are no feet in the container. This is due to regional toxicity created by chemi-cals used by the local water authorities, in combination with pollutants common to that area. In Denver, Colorado, for example, the predominant water color is orange and 25% of the residue found in a foot bath is from regional toxins. In addition to the coloration changes, parasites, pinworms, and smelly purple mucous have been observed in the waste water.4.The IonCleanse(R) is not for everyone. You should not use the machine if you:* Wear a pacemaker or any other battery operated or electrical implant.* Take heartbeat regulating medications or blood thinners.* Are a pregnant or lactating woman.* Are an organ transplant recipient.* Have undergone organ removal, especially the colon.* Are on a medication that, if absent from your system, would mentally or physically incapacitate you (e.g., psychotic episodes or seizures).5.Care should be taken if you are in any of the following categories:* On medications that require the blood level be maintained in order to be effective, for example, blood pressure medication. (The IonCleanse(R) can remove medications from the body for 6 hours.)* People who have been diagnosed as hypoglycemic. (The IonCleanse(R) tends to lower blood sugar.)* If the client is in poor health or has not done any kind of detoxing. (They should reschedule after taking supplements.)Clients should also be made aware that detox occurs on an emotional level as well. An established support system is recommended.6.The machine does not discriminate what it removes. Careful consideration and supplementation are necessary to replenish the system. Electrolites, salts, enzymes, minerals and heavy metals need to be kept in balance. The detoxification process should be seen as synergistic and include dietary changes, exercise, body and energy work as well as supplementation. "Used properly, the IonCleanse(R) provides a comfortable and relaxing way to rid the body of toxins and rejuvenate aging organs and glands by balancing the Ph of both the tissues and blood.


Bipolar disorder is characterized by periods of excitability (mania) alternating with periods of depression. The "mood swings" between mania and depression can be very abrupt.
Alternative Names
Manic depression; Bipolar affective disorder
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Bipolar disorder affects men and women equally and usually appears between the ages of 15 and 25. The exact cause is unknown, but it occurs more often in relatives of people with bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder results from disturbances in the areas of the brain that regulate mood. During manic periods, a person with bipolar disorder may be overly impulsive and energetic, with an exaggerated sense of self. The depressed phase brings overwhelming feelings of anxiety, low self-worth, and suicidal thoughts.
There are two primary types of bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder I have had at least one fully manic episode with periods of major depression. In the past, bipolar disorder I was called manic depression.
People with bipolar disorder II seldom experience full-fledged mania. Instead they experience periods of hypomania (elevated levels of energy and impulsiveness that are not as extreme as the symptoms of mania). These hypomanic periods alternate with episodes of major depression.
A mild form of bipolar disorder called cyclothymia involves periods of hypomania and mild depression, with less-severe mood swings. People with bipolar disorder II or cyclothymia may be misdiagnosed as having depression alone.
The manic phase may last from days to months and include the following symptoms:
Elevated mood
Racing thoughts
Increased energy
Lack of self-control
Inflated self-esteem (delusions of grandeur, false beliefs in special abilities)
Over-involvement in activities
Reckless behavior
Spending sprees
Binge eating, drinking, and/or drug use
Sexual promiscuity
Impaired judgment
Tendency to be easily distracted
Little need for sleep
Easily agitated or irritated
Poor temper control
These symptoms of mania are seen with bipolar disorder I. In people with bipolar disorder II, hypomanic episodes involve similar symptoms that are less intense.
The depressed phase of both types of bipolar disorder involves very serious symptoms of major depression:
Persistent sadness
Fatigue or listlessness
Sleep disturbances
Excessive sleepiness
Inability to sleep
Eating disturbances
Loss of appetite and weight loss
Overeating and weight gain
Loss of self-esteem
Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and/or guilt
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
Withdrawal from friends
Withdrawal from activities that were once enjoyed
Persistent thoughts of death
There is a high risk of suicide with bipolar disorder. While in either phase, patients may abuse alcohol or other substances, which can worsen the symptoms.
Sometimes there is an overlap between the two phases. Manic and depressive symptoms may occur simultaneously or in quick succession in what is called a mixed state.
Produk UIE (Universe Induced Energy)

€. UIE Energy Touch

Produk yang menakjubkan ini dibuat dari bahan radiasi yang tidak membahayakan dan mempunyai energy UIE yang mampu menembus ketingkat yang paling dalam. Melaqlui banyak cara penggunaan, UIE Energy Touch bermanfaat untuk melindungi manusia dari berbagai jenis pencemaran dan mengawetkan berbagai jenis pencemaran dan mengawetkan berbagai jenis makanan.

Petunjuk Pemakaian:

. Hanya diletakkan pada bagian yang sakit /pada saku baju maka produk ini dapat
menambah tenaga, stamina dan menghilangkan rasa sakit.

UIE yang terkandung pada produk ini dapat memperbaiki sel yang rusak dan mencegah sel untuk terjangkit penyakit serta dapat mengurangi rasa sakit selepas operasi.

€. UIE Energy Cream

UIE energy Cream khusus untuk merawat berbagai macam permasalahan kulit dan memberikan tenaga, oksigen, perubahan dan keseimbangan untuk kulit.

Perawatan keseluruhan ini dapat mencerahkan, melembabkan dan mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati menjadi kulit bersih, meremajakan kulit, menjaga bentuk badan dan cantik sepanjang masa.

UIE dibuat dari sumber alami yang baik untuk muka dan mempunyai fungsi merengsang pembentukan otot-otot badan dan juga berfungsi mengurangi rasa sakit, masalah bau badan dan kaki.

€. UIE Energy Black Jade

Terbuat dari batu Giok Hitam alami yang dipadukan dengan tenaga UIE. Tidak mengandung bahan kimia, bahan yang membahayakan atau memancarkan zat yang berbahaya.

Membantu memulihkan lemah syahwat dalam waktu relative singkat, mengeraskan, menguatkan dan membesarkan organ seks laki-laki.

Cara Pemakaian

. Pilih ukuran yang sesuai, tidak terlalu longgar ataupun sempit semasa memakainya
dibagian alat vital ketika keadaan tidak tegang atau kendur.
. Perlu diingatkan bagian yang berlekuk, diletakkan sejajar di bawah organ
. Dipasang pada pangkal organ
. Pemakaian pertama sebaiknya digunakan secara terus menerus selama 7 (tujuh) hari
sebelum melakukan hubungan badan untuk merasakan khasiatnya.
. Gunakan terus selama siang dan malam (24 jam)
. Tanggalkan saat mandi atau berhubungan badan
. Jangan terjatuh karena sifatnya mudah pecah. Sebaiknya diikat dengan benang atau tali
pada celana dalam atau dililitkan ke pinggang.
. Untuk memudahkan pemakaian disarankan agar menggunakan UIE Power Cream
terlebih dahulu sehingga dapat menambah energi
. Untuk menjaga kebersihan, cuci dengan air biasa
. Jangka waktu pemakaian adalah 2 (dua) tahun dari tanggal mulai dipakai dan dapat
dipakai terus-menerus.

Efek Awal Penggunaan

. Pada bagian pangkal organ seks laki-laki akan terasa sedikit hangat, padat, tegang dan
. Semasa awal pemakaian, rasa ketidaknyamanan mungkin akan terjadi di bagian organ.
Tetapi ini tidak berbahaya karena bersifat sementara.

UIE energy black jack memberikan tenaga tambahan dan membuat pria lebih perkasa. Sehingga kehidupan berkeluarga lebih bahagia.

€. UIE Energy Jade Ring

Merupakan produk inovatif yang terbuat dari batu Giok alami yang istimewa dan terbaik dalam kategorinya yang dipadukan dengan tenaga Universe Induce Energy (UIE) untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas.

Membantu memulihkan lemah syahwat dalam waktu relatif singkat, mengeraskan, menguatkan, menambah energy dan stamina tubuh.

Produk ini dihasilkan dari sumber alami yang bebas dari cemaran bahan kimia atau bahan-bahan berbahaya lainnya.

Sangat aman untuk digunakan sebagai liontin, yang berfungsi membantu meningkatkan kesuburan khususnya untuk system reproduksi lelaki dan wanita, juga memberikan kabahagiaan rumah tangga.

Manfaat Penggunaan UIE Energy Jade Ring

Dengan penambahan energy UIE yang terkandung dalam proses penggabungan yang meliputi transformasi, cairan molekul dan keseimbangan ion dengan oksigen dan tenaga, membuat UIE Energy Jade Ring memiliki fungsi-fungsi sebagai berikut:
. Membantu memulihkan mereka yang mengalami masalah lemah syahwat, kurang
bergairah dan masalah seksual yang disebabkan oleh stress, sakit tulang belakang,
darah tinggi, asma dan kencing manis.
. Untuk kesehatan dan membantu mengatasi abdomen serta otot-otot dada wanita dipakai
sebagai liontin bersamaan dengan rantai emas atau perak (untuk pengaliran energi).
. Membantu melancarkan peredaran darah disekitar jantung dan paru-paru dan sangat
membantu bagi penderita sakit jantung atau orang yang bermasalah dengan jantung
dengan dipakai sebagai kalung.

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Your Health: Warm Holiday Greetings Spread Cold-Causing Germs

Holiday hugs and handshakes can spread more than good cheer. Unfortunately, warm greetings can lead to the transmission of cold-causing viruses. If you're like most American adults, you'll catch a cold two to four times each year. With each infection, you can expect to spend around eight to 10 days under the weather: coughing, sniffling, sneezing and feeling miserable in general. A visit to your doctor won't hurt, but it probably won't help that much, either. Although we've amassed a mighty arsenal of powerful drugs designed to fight the most dreaded diseases, we still haven't found an effective cure for the common cold. Surprisingly, most of the symptoms associated with colds aren't caused by the cold virus itself -- they're caused by the reaction of your body's immune system to the virus. The copious mucus secretions that make you cough, sniffle, snort and blow are a big part of the problem. As early as an hour after cold viruses have infected the lining of your nose and throat, the invaded cells begin to release chemicals called prostaglandins. These chemicals produce swelling of the mucous membranes, leading to nasal stuffiness and congestion. Prostaglandins also attract white blood cells to the site of the infection to battle the malicious microbes. As these disease-fighting cells report for duty, they begin to pile up by the millions in your nose, throat and chest, producing the massive flow of mucus that typically accompanies the common cold. Most folks turn to over-the-counter cold formulas for relief of their symptoms, and there are hundreds available. Nonprescription cold remedies typically contain some combination of antihistamines, decongestants, cough suppressants and pain relievers. None of these concoctions can stop the infection itself: They merely mask its symptoms. Even worse, some antihistamines and decongestants actually hinder the ability of the immune system to rid the body of the cold-causing virus. If you're interested in making a speedy recovery, your best bet may be to steer clear of these conventional over-the-counter remedies and take a more natural approach. Recent research suggests that the mineral zinc and an herb known as echinacea may reduce both the duration and severity of cold symptoms. Last year, scientists at the University of Connecticut reported that taking echinacea can reduce the duration of cold symptoms by an average of 1.4 days. Their study, known as a meta-analysis, evaluated the results of 14 previous clinical trials involving nearly 3,000 subjects. The researchers also reported that echinacea appears to have powerful cold-preventing properties. When taken prior to exposure to cold-causing viruses, the herb reduced the risk of infection by an impressive 58 percent. Although its mechanism of action isn't entirely understood, echinacea appears to have anti-viral properties as well as soothing, anti-inflammatory effects. The herb has been shown to stimulate the immune system, enhancing its ability to destroy disease-causing germs. Like echinacea, zinc appears to bolster the body's immune response by triggering production of a natural virus-fighting substance called interferon. Some experts believe that zinc may act directly on the cold virus, preventing it from latching onto the cells in the respiratory tract and hindering its ability to multiply. In a recent study conducted by researchers at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, cold sufferers using zinc lozenges shook off their symptoms in half the time of those who received placebo lozenges. The study involved 50 volunteers who had experienced cold symptoms for 24 hours or less. Half the participants took lozenges containing 13.3 milligrams of zinc every two to three hours, while the other half took an inactive placebo. Among individuals in the zinc group, the average duration of cold symptoms, including cough, runny nose and muscle aches, was about four days. Subjects in the placebo group fared worse: Their symptoms lingered for an average of seven days. While over-the-counter cold remedies can cause a number of unwelcome side effects ranging from drowsiness to high blood pressure, zinc and echinacea are generally safe and well-tolerated when taken as directed. The most common side effect associated with zinc lozenges is an unpleasant taste described as bitter or metallic. In sensitive individuals, echinacea can cause nausea and stomach upset. Because there's no sure-fire cure for the common cold, preventing infection is especially important. Staying home when you're sick and washing your hands regularly will help you enjoy holiday greetings without giving -- or receiving -- cold-causing viruses.

Adsense Indonesia

Warm Holiday Greetings Spread Cold-Causing Germs

Holiday hugs and handshakes can spread more than good cheer. Unfortunately, warm greetings can lead to the transmission of cold-causing viruses. If you're like most American adults, you'll catch a cold two to four times each year. With each infection, you can expect to spend around eight to 10 days under the weather: coughing, sniffling, sneezing and feeling miserable in general. A visit to your doctor won't hurt, but it probably won't help that much, either. Although we've amassed a mighty arsenal of powerful drugs designed to fight the most dreaded diseases, we still haven't found an effective cure for the common cold. Surprisingly, most of the symptoms associated with colds aren't caused by the cold virus itself -- they're caused by the reaction of your body's immune system to the virus. The copious mucus secretions that make you cough, sniffle, snort and blow are a big part of the problem. As early as an hour after cold viruses have infected the lining of your nose and throat, the invaded cells begin to release chemicals called prostaglandins. These chemicals produce swelling of the mucous membranes, leading to nasal stuffiness and congestion. Prostaglandins also attract white blood cells to the site of the infection to battle the malicious microbes. As these disease-fighting cells report for duty, they begin to pile up by the millions in your nose, throat and chest, producing the massive flow of mucus that typically accompanies the common cold. Most folks turn to over-the-counter cold formulas for relief of their symptoms, and there are hundreds available. Nonprescription cold remedies typically contain some combination of antihistamines, decongestants, cough suppressants and pain relievers. None of these concoctions can stop the infection itself: They merely mask its symptoms. Even worse, some antihistamines and decongestants actually hinder the ability of the immune system to rid the body of the cold-causing virus. If you're interested in making a speedy recovery, your best bet may be to steer clear of these conventional over-the-counter remedies and take a more natural approach. Recent research suggests that the mineral zinc and an herb known as echinacea may reduce both the duration and severity of cold symptoms. Last year, scientists at the University of Connecticut reported that taking echinacea can reduce the duration of cold symptoms by an average of 1.4 days. Their study, known as a meta-analysis, evaluated the results of 14 previous clinical trials involving nearly 3,000 subjects. The researchers also reported that echinacea appears to have powerful cold-preventing properties. When taken prior to exposure to cold-causing viruses, the herb reduced the risk of infection by an impressive 58 percent. Although its mechanism of action isn't entirely understood, echinacea appears to have anti-viral properties as well as soothing, anti-inflammatory effects. The herb has been shown to stimulate the immune system, enhancing its ability to destroy disease-causing germs. Like echinacea, zinc appears to bolster the body's immune response by triggering production of a natural virus-fighting substance called interferon. Some experts believe that zinc may act directly on the cold virus, preventing it from latching onto the cells in the respiratory tract and hindering its ability to multiply. In a recent study conducted by researchers at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, cold sufferers using zinc lozenges shook off their symptoms in half the time of those who received placebo lozenges. The study involved 50 volunteers who had experienced cold symptoms for 24 hours or less. Half the participants took lozenges containing 13.3 milligrams of zinc every two to three hours, while the other half took an inactive placebo. Among individuals in the zinc group, the average duration of cold symptoms, including cough, runny nose and muscle aches, was about four days. Subjects in the placebo group fared worse: Their symptoms lingered for an average of seven days. While over-the-counter cold remedies can cause a number of unwelcome side effects ranging from drowsiness to high blood pressure, zinc and echinacea are generally safe and well-tolerated when taken as directed. The most common side effect associated with zinc lozenges is an unpleasant taste described as bitter or metallic. In sensitive individuals, echinacea can cause nausea and stomach upset. Because there's no sure-fire cure for the common cold, preventing infection is especially important. Staying home when you're sick and washing your hands regularly will help you enjoy holiday greetings without giving -- or receiving -- cold-causing viruses.